tangazo one

tangazo one




ni mara chache sana tunapata muda wa kujiuliza juu ya umuhimu wa watu waliotuzunguka, na maisha yetu yangekuwaje bila wao? wape nafasi na usisite kuwaambia jinsi unavyojisikia juu yao na umuhimu wao kwako. ASANTE KWA KUWA SEHEMU YA MAISHA YANGU.

Monday, May 28, 2012

my homework

Student A: My teacher caned me for something I didnt do?
Student B: Thats so bad.
Student A: Well, I didnt do my homework. 

My teacher has gone crazy

Kid: My teacher has gone crazy Mom.
Mother: Why do you think so?
Kid: Yesterday he said that 3 times 4 is 12. Today he is saying that 12 is 6 times 2. 

method with example

Maths mis: A=B, B=C, So A=C.
Prove this method with example.

Student: Mis, I love u. U love ur daughter. So i love ur daughter,
Thats all mis 

I am bad at math too

Teacher: Tom! I know you are bad at spelling. That’s why I told you to write down this sentence 10 times. Why did you write only 4 times?

Tom: Sir, I am bad at math too. 

our pet dog is same

Jon and Ron are brothers. Their teacher told them to write an essay about Dog. After checking the essays the teacher said,

'Why both the essays are the same?'

Ron: Sir, our pet dog is same. 

Another frog

Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature which can live on water as well as the land.

Student: Frog.

Teacher: Another example.

Student: Another frog. 

I will be a typist

Teacher: Ron, your handwriting is very bad. You will suffer in the future.
Ron: Don’t worry Sir. I will be a typist. 

ship of salt sinked

Teacher: Why does sea water tastes like salt?
Student: Maybe a ship of salt sinked a long time ago

In this class, Sir.

Opening the book in the class, the teacher asked, 'So, where were we?'

Student: In this class, Sir.

next exam

Ben got 100 out of 100 in the exam. So the teacher gave him a gift and said,

I hope you will do the same in the next exam.'

Ben: Thank you Sir. I hope you will also print the question paper from my uncle’s printing shop next time.

Sun or Australia

Teacher: Which one is closer, Sun or Australia?
Student: Sun
Teacher: Why?
Student: We can see the sun all the time, but can’t see Australia

I don’t talk when I sleep

Teacher: Robin, I always see that when I start teaching in the class, you always talk with your friends.

Robin: But Sir, I don’t talk when I sleep. 

sinking in the water

Teacher is explaining to the student,
'if you see someone sinking in the water, you should pull his hair to save him from the water. It will be easy for you.'

Student: but sir, if it happens to you, we shouldn’t help you.

Teacher: why?

Student: because you don’t have any hair.

I am not a milkman

Math teacher: Tell me Jenny, if a milkman mixes 2 litres water and 1 liter milk, he will get 3 litres. What will happen if he mixes 6 litres of water and 3 litres milk?

Jenny: I am not a milkman, how can I solve it? 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

anaefanya kazi kwa Mungu

Mchungaji alikwenda kumtembelea muumini wake, akagonga mlango mtoto wa muumini akafungua mlango," Hujambo mtoto? Mama yako yupo? Hebu mwite"  (Mtoto akaita kwa nguvu),'Mama mama yule anaefanya kazi kwa Mungu kaja.

Monday, May 14, 2012

coins fall down

Teacher: Suppose, you have 4 coins in your pocket and there is a hole in the pocket. All the four coins fall down from that hole. What will you have in your pocket?

Student: A hole. 

What does your father do?

A new student came to the class. After asking his name the teacher said,
'What does your father do?'

Student: Whatever Mom says. 

why doctors wear a mask

Teacher: Sir, why doctors wear a mask when they do an operation?

Student: For safety. If the patient dies, others can’t find out who did the operation. 

money and knowledge

Teacher: Suppose, you have offered money and knowledge. You have to take one of them. Which one you should choose?

Student: Money.

Teacher: I would have taken knowledge. But why do you take money?

Student: I have the lack of money that’s why. You have the lack of knowledge. That’s why

who discovered Africa

Teacher: Gwen, come here and point out Africa from this globe.

Gwen: here

Teacher: Correct! John, who discovered Africa?

Class: Gwen!!

important incident

After answering correct, the teacher said, 'Smith, tell me an important incident which never happened before within ten years'.

Smith: I answered correct today. 

John Smith

Teacher: I think you are chewing gum.
John: No Sir, I am John Smith.

break your promise too

Teacher: You promised me to submit me a paragraph, right?

Student: Yes Sir.

Teacher: And I also promised that if you fail to submit it, I will punish you, right?

Student: Yes Sir, so it will be fair if you break your promise too. 

are late today

Teacher: You are late today Mike.
Mike: Sir, I obeyed a sign.
Teacher: What sign?

I don’t think I deserve Zero

Student: I don’t think I deserve Zero in this answer paper.
Teacher: Agreed. You deserve -1.

snakes don’t have feet

Teacher: Suppose, you have a box which contains a 10 foot snake...
Student: But Sir, snakes don’t have feet.